Dreaming Reality

The power to create lies within you

Tag: belief

  • Reaching..


    New post on Dreaming Existence.read my words Here Be sure to leave a note. I love hearing your thoughts! 😊

  • The PeaceWithin

    Anyone who has ever followed my blog or knows me well understands my idea of peace. While I continue to envision and pray for universal peace, I know that true peace can only be found within each soul individually. Every one of us is responsible for finding that place which  we can retreat to for…

  • Angels I Have Known

    Angels I Have Known

    There are times I feel as though I have been to the summit of Life’s perfection and others when I swear I have plummeted to the bowels of its darkest pit. My heart knows the truth, however, which is that this life has been so blessed. I have known great sorrows and tremendous joys in…

  • Affirmative, Captain #SoCS

    Affirmative, Captain #SoCS

    We need to get this straight. I will affirm here and now that I have felt less than inspired in the last week. I’m working on the novel-still…maybe forever..but really loving the progress. It is just not something one can easily do at the end of a work day or week, popping from pragmatic, ordered…

  • A Flake/#SoCs

    A Flake/#SoCs

    Okay, I’m saying it for you. That’s what many of you will say when you read my post, but I don’t even care. If being a flake means I have faith in something outside of myself that keeps me going in a world gone mad around me then I’d rather be a flake doing life.…

  • Fractured Rainbows/#Photography

    Fractured Rainbows/#Photography

    Fractured Light broken lines refracting life beyond the blur of shadows and clouds rainbows bright without the hue of Indigo blue Existence whispers ”I am here” to be with you. May your day be bright, even if your rainbows are in pieces. Light is constant. Hugs!

  • Still/#SoCS


    As I sat alone, ignoring heart’s ache, and nudging my weary senses awake; my eyes turned up to watch him soar, graceful as every day before. ”Good morning, God,” whispered my soul as my heart beat once more in time with the whole. ”Be still and listen…” came the Creator’s reply.   “And know that…

  • Antique and Antiquity

    Antique and Antiquity

    In recent days I have been having periods of inexplicable melancholy, a sort of reminiscent nostalgia that is both familiar and unsettling. Life has its ups and downs always; but I am happy to say I have moved beyond carrying old baggage around and have spent years trying to light the dark, dusty, cobweb-filled corners…