Dreaming Reality

The power to create lies within you

Category: Serendipity

  • As the World Falls Down..

    As the World Falls Down..

    Of late I have been avoiding the overwhelming feelings that wait at my heart’s door. The tap, tapping of despair, frustration, anxiety and disappointment wait, torches held high and voices crying out, to rouse my soul into complete and utter fear over what is becoming of this world. While there has always been chaos and…

  • Lizardry


    “Hi, hello there. I heard you were missing your small green Florida pals. I see you’re planting a garden too.” “Hmmm….those rose bushes look promising. And salad in a pot? Clever! Photos? Why certainly you may. Just be sure to get my good side.”     “Do you like this beard? I try to eat…

  • Look Closely/#photography

    Look Closely/#photography

    As we hustle through life, often barely acknowledging the things that come and go in our daily vistas, it would bode well for us to make an effort to stop and peer into the face of the familiar often ordinary seeming wonders of this world. The things that are constnt and yet so often overlooked…

  • In a Word.. #1LinerWednesday

    In a Word.. #1LinerWednesday

    Serendipity… The holidays aren’t complete for me without a few unconventional “traditions”-a cafe, a certain treat, a movie-or ten! And some aren’t really classically holiday films. But this one marks the season for my romantic heart and has become a Christmas tradition for me since I first saw it back in 2001. No one does…