Dreaming Reality

The power to create lies within you

Knowledge Is Loss #OneLinerWed #JusJoJan

The more a man thinks he knows

the further from the truth he goes…

Who wrote this? Well, me. On this, our last day of #JusJoJan and Linda Hill’s #OneLinerWednesday I’m feeling philosophical. Part of it is due to our current social and political climate, and part of it is the result of writing my books. As to the first part, ridiculous politics has all but dismantled the idea of friendship and family for too many people. These days I avoid most gatherings because a wrong turn of the tongue could land me in the middle of a conflict I don’t want to be in. Unlike too many others these days, I loathe conflict and argument, primarily because there is seldom respectful discourse. Most of what occurs involves crude and often cruel jokes, as well as dogged defense of beliefs even when indisputable facts present themselves. Writing my book has created a precarious place between researching historical facts that could apply to a new world while keeping to the fact that the world I am creating is, in fact, not a replication of this one. My world and its inhabitants aren’t characters made up to act out our histories but rather to inspire a new way of living on the world they were given. They struggle, make no mistake, but their goals are to keep the Light alive within Existence.
These days my goals are simple. Waking up in a small home with everything I need on the limited funds we have, walking out to see Nature’s grand artistic touch in everything around me… and breathing are the things I aspire to. Few realize that the simple act of living with appreciation and loving intent are the only things needed for a peaceful world.
Digging into mankind’s history only reveals its tendency to repeat mistakes, over and over. We must not forget the dark holes we created and climbed out of, but we cannot repair the damage that was done. Out minds have to turn to creating a better dream to walk in, letting go of the past we cannot change, and forgetting the future that doesn’t exist. The only real moment is the one we are in. If, in that moment, our focus becomes one of unconditional love, thus begins our first step to creating a magnificent dream, not just for ourselves but for everything within existence. In this way we become a Family of Light, restoring balance to an off kilter world. Even one soul that finds its way back into the light marks the beginning of healing for the All. Not allegiance to a particular dogma or
religion, but a return to simple faith in the loving force that drives Creation.
So, thank you, Linda, for the inspiration and a fun month of writing. May we all move into February with new goals that make this dream a happy one.

Love and Light


Happiness truly is a butterfly!

9 responses to “Knowledge Is Loss #OneLinerWed #JusJoJan”

Speak to me. I’m interested. 😊

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