Dreaming Reality

The power to create lies within you

Burnin’ For Me #SoCS

Okay, I have to admit I was going to skate on this week’s #SoCS event, hosted by our wonderful writing friend Linda Hill. But I usually don’t get to the prompt page as soon as I get my load of weekly blog notifications, especially after this full moon crazy week. That is no exageration either. But, that is for another post. Since I do read Dan’s posts as soon as they hit the page, I am always able to know what the prompt is anyway. Check out his post today at the bar.

Now…about my last piece of mail, because that is what the prompt for today is. Talk about the last piece of mail you received. I’m just so excited (for once) about the mail. I guess I have crossed over into the ‘old habits are hard to break’ and ‘old people can’t move on’ zone. There are many indicators to confirm this notion for me and, once again, this post is not about those things today.

What it is about is my health-my physical well being-which, for me, is so closely related to my mental state. I have always been smallish but aging affects this so much, even in a work environment where I move around constantly. A body eventually becomes accustomed to its daily pace, and in order to increase its cardio workout, so must I. I prefer being outdoors and hiking, but it isn’t always possible, so I am revisiting an old and dear friend. I used to work out to Jane’s VHS tapes religiously, and to this day I prefer her methods over any other workout I have tried. There are varying levels and styles within her series that work for all ages and skill levels.

For a long time these videos were not available on DVD. Now they are and I am determined to be in the best shape I can be for my age and ability. Yeah…I bought it and it arrived yesterday! Woohoo! Imagine my excitement to get up this morning and get on that mat. 😳😁


I really was excited to workout with Jane again, those nostalgic memories of the 80’s filling my head. The sounds of Lionel Ritchie, Blondie,  Survivor, Michael Jackson and so many others ringing in the jukebox of my mind while my heart wished I still had my mauve colored leggings-you know, to complete the outfit. 🙈

Ok, let’s go. I know, feel the burn…


Oh I burned..and burned…and burned..hell my body was on fire! I was amazed at how much more difficult much of the Beginner’s Workout was, although I was able to do about 90%of the workout without faltering. My stretch ability couldn’t match Jane or her cohorts but I did every section. Tomorrow I will add the Intermediate workout, maybe. If I can convince my body I’m really not trying to kill us.

The best thing about having kept in shape most of these years is that muscles do have memory. Every time I work at getting toned, they seem excited to remember their true purpose, even if I forgot for a time. Right now they are a bit wobbly though.

All hail the magnificent Jane! She still looks fabulous.


I’ll be turning 60 this year. Now, all you advertisement- for-seniors hounds, don’t waste your mail on me. Many people my age would ask why I bother, it’s not worth the time or trouble. To me, my health and fitness are the only things I have absolute control over, and I don’t plan on giving that up!

Happy #Free48 everyone. Take care of you!



Me, in my most Happy Place…outdoors.


20 responses to “Burnin’ For Me #SoCS”

  1. I have never done Jane’s workouts – never been able to stretch my back and legs. I wish I would. But I can walk for hours, just slowly these days. Always love to hear from people about their achievements .


  2. 👍👍 To you!!! Excellent start … keep it up! For me, walking 4-5 miles a day and small weight lifting for the arms is about the extent of it, but that keeps me well enough. Have fun!


  3. Have you seen Jane Fonda on “Grace and Frankie?” She looks amazing for being in her 80’s, although I suppose she had the funds to eat well and stay in shape most of her life.

    Good for you, Cheryl! I applaud you for your determination and willingness to start working out with Jane. I took a break last summer from the gym and yoga, but don’t think I’ll be doing that again. Even though I was walking and riding my bike, it wasn’t enough and I felt pretty crummy by December after the walking and bike riding had also ended. I’ve also gotten back to regular exercise and I feel much better. It’s so good for stress and the ability to stand up and keep going.


    • Yes, Mary, I agree. When I feel good, I feel good about myself. I don’t think ultimately you need a lot of money to stay healthy. Just not eating crap helps. And rinking lots of water. I do believe her funds helped her to reach a lot of other people in a positive way. And, yes, I have watched bith seasons of Grace and Frankie. I love them! Lilly Tomlin looks darned good for her age as well. Have a great week Mary.


    • Well thanks so much. I don’t think I feel 60.or 50. Or 40. My soul feels ancient but my heart feels young. Hoping it holds out for awhile longer…be well yourslf, my friend.


  4. Ohh my! Just like in Dan’s case, I’d never believe your age!!! Great going! Just watching Jane doing it so fast and furious damages a bunch of my muscles. I’ll repeat my pilates exercises instead as I wrote them down after going to a course a while ago.

    I’d say take it easy but obviously you’re doing it just right!


  5. I never did Jane Fonda’s workouts. I was into Jazzercise all of the 80’s and early 90’s, but I’ve always preferred hiking.

    In the late 90’s I discovered 10 little yoga poses to keep me flexible which I have slacked up on these last few months; they’ve been a bit nuts, and I’ve not been home much. I miss them and need to get back to them and more hiking!

    I’ve always heard one needs to keep their legs moving and keep ambulatory to age well. That’s my plan. I’m glad you’re in a similar boat. It’s nice to have company.
    Btw, I’ll be 60 bloody two this Spring! My spirit isn’t that old!


    • The words sound so strange on my lips Deborah! I have always preferred stretch classes to aerobics so dance classes weren’t my thing. We just have to do SOMEthing to stay limber. Being short is a nightmare for even five extra pounds. Company is indeed good to have!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. What perfect timing on that prompt! I’m so glad it “worked out” because this was a fun post, and I love BOC – it’s been a while since I heard that song. I try to walk as much as possible at work, take the stairs, walk for coffee, etc. but you’re right, it isn’t enough. I prefer doing physical work around the house and in my shop, but winter makes that difficult. But hey – spring is here – let the burn begin!


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