Dreaming Reality

The power to create lies within you

Blue is Half-Green/#SoCS

Well, today’s #SoCS prompt from Linda Hill is green.

But I was feeling more ‘blue’ this morning…




But, in the spirit of compliance I will post a bit o’ green…in keeping with the spirit o’ the day, if ya’ be gettin’ me meanin’…..



These are a few of my favorite greens….


Do these feathers make me look fat?


What’s a green day without, well, Green Day….


Happy St Patty’s Day!


9 responses to “Blue is Half-Green/#SoCS”

  1. Ahh, what an excellent post! 🙂 I loved the title already and then almost every photo and word brought about a smile. My favourite colour combo, and Green Day are perfect for amore. Thank you!


    • There really are no words to express my appreciation for that time. That was taken right by my porch in the “tree” house. They stopped by every afternoon on their way home from the beach. God, my heart often aches for that life. Glad you liked my little buddy.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. What a terrific and fun post! ALL your favorite things are winners.

    “Do these feathers make me look fat?” Yea honey, I’m afraid they do!
    The squirrel eying that nut!
    The shedding lizard(?)
    Those hummingbirds. Can’t wait until I can put out their feeders and watch them. Better than TV!

    Happy St. Pat’s Day, Happy 48Free.


    • Awww…Happy St Patty’s Day, Ginger! I have a hummingbird feeder chillin’ by the back door to put out. Hey, yay! The sun is coming out. Going to be tough keeping me chained to the inside now! So glad you enjoyed the photos. 😊


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