Dreaming Reality

The power to create lies within you

Tag: trip

  • Whirlwind Weekend/Photography

    I must apologize for being very absent over the last week; but we had a busy weekend of events, fun, love and mini adventures. I’ll share more later, but can you guess what we did from this collage? I’ll be catching up on all your blogs this weekend since I will be laying low!  😘❤️…

  • Here We Go/#SoCS/#Free48

    Here We Go/#SoCS/#Free48

    And it started with a crack, not a gunshot. What, you may ask? Well, the race to have a relaxing, productive, fun, peaceful, exciting, safe, drama-free yet noteworthy mini vacation. Easy peasy, right? 😳 And we were off to a great start until Alabama decided to step up and say, “Hey, you know what day it…