Dreaming Reality

The power to create lies within you

Category: movies

  • Slap Me…

    And call me Bob.  Follow me Here for more of my story. 😉. It involves a mother, her son, a tradition and surprises. Pop over to my new space to read about the fun.

  • Always a Potter Moment

    Always a Potter Moment

    I have found there is always a Harry Potter moment that will apply to things in life. I even found a way to apply it to today’s SoCS prompt from Linda Hill. The word is cave and can be used as a verb or a noun. I decided on a name. A band. And a song from one…

  • Let It Shine

    Corinna, Corinna was a favorite film of ours through the years. This little song has been worming its way through my gray matter all night. It was one of our Sunday School standards growing up and it never loses significance. It can be so hard to carry on as the happy, bright beings we are…

  • What a Ride! Endgame Experience!

    What a Ride! Endgame Experience!

    I must state simply that The Avengers series has gotten exponentially more exciting with every piece of the puzzle over the years, causing expectation levels to rise with each new installment. I was a bit nervous when the advertisements for #Endgame started to show up. I have been exposed to this genre of film since my four sons…

  • Oh Bother..

    Oh Bother..

    Don’t miss the magic, the treasure, the wisdom, the heartbeat that is Pooh. “Christopher Robin, what day is it?” ”Why, it’s Today, Pooh.” ”Oh, my very favorite day.” A bit of Pooh will soothe the soul. The best kind of gift is the one you give away, and the best kind of doors are always…

  • Neverending Story/Photography/Music/Movies

    Neverending Story/Photography/Music/Movies

    This is from one of my favorite movies since my boys were young. I can’t even recall how many times I have seen The Neverending Story, a touching, imaginative film from the 80’s. Beyond the main theme which guides the film-that we dream our world into existence and when we stop believing in our ability…

  • In a Word.. #1LinerWednesday

    In a Word.. #1LinerWednesday

    Serendipity… The holidays aren’t complete for me without a few unconventional “traditions”-a cafe, a certain treat, a movie-or ten! And some aren’t really classically holiday films. But this one marks the season for my romantic heart and has become a Christmas tradition for me since I first saw it back in 2001. No one does…

  • I Could’a Been a Contender…#1LinerWeds

      But nooooooo…….

  • When You Wish Upon a Star…

    When You Wish Upon a Star…

    When I edited these photos of Zippy’s young one on the porch and saw the orbs in several of the photos, I was delighted. I just had to play with it some more.   I wonder what chipmunks would want from a fairy godmother. Couldn’t be cashews or tomatoes…they have had their fill of those!…

  • What Say You?/Photography

    What Say You?/Photography

    Hey, Charlotte, don’t leave us hanging….. We could use a good word. 😏