Dreaming Reality

The power to create lies within you

Lost and Found #SoCS #Thursdaydoors

Hello! Have you forgotten me yet? We’ve been so busy since I was last here to post. A health trip back to the states followed by getting sick after returning home has made for a less than ideal few weeks. But for Dan Antion’s TDWC I have to make time and find some doors to contribute on this SoCS.

These doors were found during various lives and adventures from Costa Rica to Atlanta to Panama. Hope I made the cut in time, Dan!


6 responses to “Lost and Found #SoCS #Thursdaydoors”

  1. These are good for Thursday Doors, and for inspiration for the writing challenge. Both are still open. I’m accepting doors for the writing challenge through noon on the 27th. The writing begins May 1st! Thanks


Speak to me. I’m interested. 😊

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