Dreaming Reality

The power to create lies within you

I’m Late! #JusJoJan24

This white rabbit image is a trademark of Disney, Inc.

Oh yes I am, but with good reason. I got some major work done on Book Two in my series, and then we took a break in this beautiful day to visit one of our favorite viveros, or garden center, here in Panama. I got some new ‘babies’ for the yard and am so stoked about getting them planted tomorrow. Let’s see… I got Vinca, Pentas, Ruda, another strawberry, kolanchoe, and a vining plant in the orchid family. I also snagged a sweet little tiered succulent planter for $5!
Thanks to Linda Hill and Nicole for this writing event and our word for today.

7 responses to “I’m Late! #JusJoJan24”

Speak to me. I’m interested. 😊

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