Dreaming Reality

The power to create lies within you

When Beauty Stands Alone #photography


I wish I had some inspirational words to go with these images but I think their tremendous beauty is pretty inspirational. I miss the Anhinga of Florida.

We got rain here. I’m hoping for a weekend reprieve. Meanwhile, the novel moves forward. Peace.

24 responses to “When Beauty Stands Alone #photography”

  1. I had to look up the name Anhinga. It comes from the Brazilian Tupi and means snake or devil bird. When the Anhinga is swimming only the long neck shows above the water. Neat pics Cheryl. I think the first one is bashful.


    • Yes! And they swim underwater to fish. That’s why they stand on the shore or in low trees for so long with their wings spread, drying them out. Their heads look like a snake sticking out of the water. The feathers on their necks look like fur. Simply beautiful birds. I have so many photos of them. These were only a few. Thanks John!

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