Dreaming Reality

The power to create lies within you

In Search Of Brilliance

It has been a practice of mine for quite some time now to seek out small miracles which can turn things around-a moment, a day or an event which otherwise seems bleak. The last few weeks have been very trying and painful for my family in many ways; and although I am not right there with them physically, my heart still aches and longs to turn things around and make life beautiful again for everyone, so thoughts and prayer must suffice in this moment.

I also had a birthday over the past #Free48. My ‘Birthday Buddy’, my son who shares the same birthday, was not here this year and that added to the prospect of a bleak celebration. But, as is always the case, Nature stepped up to the plate and presented me with some magnificent bits of brilliance to say, “Happy Birthday!”.

With well wishes from friends and phone calls from loved ones, including a birthday song from the grandkids, it was-as always-a special day.

This early gift from my sweet sister kicked things off!


Thank you Omaha!

All I really cared about was getting outside to take some photos and having a nice meal somewhere that someone else cooked. 😉My dear hubby, as always, was a willing partner and smiled through it all-even the humidity. It really wasn’t too bad in the early part of Sunday. Here are some of my favorite things from our excursion.






Then I heard it. That familiar cry that sends me running like a crazed shopper on Black Friday. There is no mistaking a hawk’s screech. When we turned around there was a huge one flying low across the front of the property with its lunch in its claws. Seeing where it lit, I stealthily crept over to stand beneath the tree for some photos. I will spare you the gore (in this post) but it always amazes me to watch these birds methodically eat. He left nothing behind either, not a hair. We looked it up later to find this was a juvenile 😱 Broad Winged Hawk.





Please don’t tell Zippy! 🙊🙈He showed up to say Happy Birthday too!



I got my dinner out at Yardhouse. Plus a free birthday dessert! So yummy.





And yesterday there were a few more surprises from friends at work. And hubby stepped with a few surprises he said he didn’t have time to get over the weekend with me hanging around. 😉 He’s so good to me.


Publix Fudge Cake! Oh my….
These are a few of my favorite things….
This lady and I usually share a burrito like this on Fridays. This one was all mine! The flowers came from her beautiful yard!





A gift from my oldest. A hands free gadget for my crafts, like jewelry making. I think it looks like Doc Oc from Spiderman! 😀 I thought you’d like it, Dan!

Well, there it is. Brilliant Birthday. I hope everyone has a better than anticipated week. Ours begins with a no tolerance hands free cell phone law in place. Should be high revenues for the state of Georgia! 😏

Hugs! 💕

This was in my head when I woke up. Now it can be in yours too!

26 responses to “In Search Of Brilliance”

  1. Glad you had a lovely birthday in the midst of all that’s going on. May there be many more moments of love and magic during the rest of your week xx


  2. Belated Happy Birthday, Cheryl. It looks as if it was a wonderful celebration. Love all the photos. Nice to share the day with you. Happy 4th. 🇺🇸 Christine


  3. Happy birthday, neighbor! I can’t remember if we ever talked about where we live, but we’re in East Cobb, near Sweat Mountain.

    We have a couple of hawks in one of the trees behind us, and see them flying (more like soaring) overhead. One rainy morning there was one perched on the deck. The cats were all at the window looking at him (or her). Those are some seriously big birds…


    • Seriously. At one point it was eyeing me on the ground in a way I wSn’t comfortable with. Lol. We were near you then! I have photos of that fire when the smoke first started on Sunday. I love Roswell. Thanks!


  4. Oh, Cheryl, I’m so glad that the nature stepped up and made you realise how important it is to celebrate and treat yourself as well, not just your loved ones. I love all the glimpses, down to desserts. You deserve that crown of cake! As for Zippy, ohhh my, Zippy and that hawk should come at the festivities at different times. 😉 Happy birthday! ❤


  5. Cheryl, I don’t think you could have had a more perfect birthday celebration. Holy cow, that birthday cake looks sooooo good. You could have shared it with Canada which also shares your birthday. I love the gizmo from your son. Looks perfect for craft projects.

    Great photos. The hawk is exquisite. Amazing you were able to capture him before he flew away.

    Hope your birthday joy carries through the week. Happy Fourth of July!
    🔹 Ginger 🔹


  6. I’ll send you a few more happy wishes. The pictures are amazing, it looks like a good time was had by all (well, except for…but Zippy is OK). Desserts look wonderful and washing that cake down with Bailey’s seems even better.

    I have a gizmo like that for holding small parts. I don’t use it a lot, but when I have, it’s been the only thing that would work. I hope you enjoy a mid-week free24 tomorrow.


  7. Cheryl, happy belated birthday! It appears you had many things to be thankful for, including a husband who buys you chocolate cake! Wonderful photos…hope you have a good week and holiday!


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