Dreaming Reality

The power to create lies within you

Inconspicuous #SoCS #Photography


Where?” I ask, holding my breath and my macro lens in anticipation of something wonderful.

He points to something among the tomato leaves. I see a fine wisp of silk gently swaying but nothing else.

”I can’t see anything,” I repeat, moving carefully closer and raising the lens just in case.

“Just below my finger here,” he places his finger slightly closer with a careful instruction as to what leaf I should be looking at. “She has a yellow marking,” he adds.

With each of our movements she scrambles protectively and I up my stealth meter.

“Ah! I see her now,” I whisper, relieved and excited by yet another miraculous minuscule inhabitant in my little garden. Snap. I take a photo, just in case she disappears into miniature oblivion before I can manage a better shot.


She does have yellow markings! If I can just get close enough without alarming her spidey senses….



Yes! She will pose for the crazy camera lady. Her mother must have warned her of the perils in living here.

’You must be brave,’ she advised, ‘and always look your finest. This could be your chance to shine before all the world and to change the hearts of humans towards our kind. I shall always be with you, little one,” the mother’s voice faded into the blue as her tiny creation floated away on the silken strand of separation.

“Now, I must be inconspicuous,” the tiny one reminded herself. “Just blend in and be singularly magnificent.” She took a deep breath and began weaving….


unobtrusive, camaflouged, concealed, hidden, indistinct, insignificant, low-key, ordinary, plain, quiet, retiring, secretive, shy, subtle, tenous, modest, unassuming, unemphatic, unostentatious..



With unobtrusive brilliance she was born,

on an unassuming cloudless Summer morn,

her presence cleverly concealed

as her mother sought to shield

her tender newness.

She camaflouged the nest

and delivered her bequest

to the plain and modest few

that she barely even knew.

”My children,” she delivered

as they blinked and softly shivered,

”You must leave, I cannot follow

for my path leads to the hollow.”

(she looks to the soft earth)

”Keep yourself concealed

and soon shall be revealed

the wonder of your unimposing

walk through Mother’s world.

Although you be discretional

you’ll surely be exceptional

as long as you remain

unnoticed, unseen, plain.

But when She comes,

who has the eye

to see your beauty

by and by,

do not run!

Stand as brave as she

and as unimposing be

to share an ordinary

glimpse of life’s perfection.”


Then they floated out of sight,

unnoticed, to their plight

like dust drifting through the air

to their future,

who knows where

Cheryl KP copyright

Today’s post brought to you by Linda Hill’s SoCS prompt


This touching scene from one of my favorite children’s books put to film says it all…


Today’s prompt was the word where.

Use it to begin the post and for bonus points end the post with it as well. Visit Linda’s blog for more great prompts and the chance to meet some amazing bloggers.

If you’re thirsty, hop over to the bar today and chack out Dan’s world. His recent project is turning out quite nicely!





17 responses to “Inconspicuous #SoCS #Photography”

  1. Amazing detail in that photo! I remember a teacher reading Charlotte’s Web to our class in elementary school. When the scene from your video clip came up, she had to get the smartest student to read for her because she was so teary eyed. That sure made an impression. Good thing there was a happy ending after that scene.


    • They are Master weavers, Dan. In the spiritual world of many native cultures, she is viewed as a goddess mother of the Earth. She figured prominently at the very beginning of my original novel. I have grown to admire the spider more and more.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. One summer, a big black and yellow spider built a web on the rarely-used side of our double front door and stayed there for a couple of months. When she left, she left behind an egg sac which we took and put it in the natural area of our back yard. I still kind of miss her.


    • They are ethereal, tenacious creatures, John. I’m finding my way towards comeraderie with them, having been bitten several times by less timid varieties. I keep waiting for those superpowers to kick in…😉


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