Dreaming Reality

The power to create lies within you



Yep. I went there. I know this might be a cheesy submission for Linda Hill’s #SoCS prompt today. The word is fab, so well, here you have it.

In my defense it has been a far less than fab week for me, beginning with the leaking ceiling. Even though the leak itself was repaired the next day, we are still waiting for the ceiling to be repaired. We complained enough that someone came and put up the basic beginnings of a ceiling, so at least we put the washer and dryer back into place and-yay!-we can do laundry again. You never realize what a luxury that is unless you have ever been without it. Which I have. A few times. A toilet that works-indoors-and a nice washer and dryer head up my top ten list of conveniences.

As for whiter than white towels, I love those nifty colorsafe Clorox pucks. Not that I have enthralling over-the-fence gab sessions about them. Who has the time? Or the energy. After this past week I am tempted to bury my head under a pillow until the Fourth of July. I could use some beautiful fireworks about now.

To my friend and bar patron Dan thanks for the shout out and photos of that yummy food today. You have inspired me to climb out of bed and make a spectacular dinner. Or at least go and find one. Check out Dan’s bar conversation today. I hear his bartender makes a mean Michelada. 😉

15 responses to “Cheesy/#SoCS”

  1. Bless you Cheryl, thank you for sharing, I must admit that Fab video made me smile all finished off with that great Supertramp video great tune, describes what a bad day can look like but all went well in the end. Hope your ceiling get finished soon – hugs xoxox


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