Dreaming Reality

The power to create lies within you

Nature’s Face/Photography/Poetry

At times I trudge through my life, sometimes with steps as light as air,  yet often as though pulling lead balls chained to my ankles; still,  I find constant comfort in the face of Nature.  We have had a dreary sort of Winter, although the holidays were bright and full. The unrest in the world is palpable, carried on the chilly wind and hanging in the raindrops that seem endless on every weekend that comes around here in Georgia.

Yesterday was a reprieve and I was determined to find solace in the free blessings and gifts of Mother Earth.  The message in her soul is always the same, so clear and encouraging, sometimes more so in those arenas made by humans to showcase her handiwork.



We are here!!!

Each face is as unique as our own, their expression and exuberance so real you can almost hear their voices singing for the change of season.  I believe Nature’s joy in Spring is contagious. Can you hear them?


Spring tiptoes in on velvet slippers,



Peering around dark corners and waiting in the shadows,

lest the jealous heart of Jack Frost linger to nip her nose

or sting her toes…




Would that I could soar and fly

on dragon wings into the sky.

the bees might envy me-

I say…




Excuse me, Sir, are you going my way?




Alas, my human body is bound

upon this thawing, sacred ground

called terra firma.


My dreams can fly!




As I peer into the laughing face of Sunshine, teasing us from moment to moment..


I know my thirst will be quenched
As Nature finds a way
My cup shall run over again
A smile insists that hope exists
And never lonely shall I be




With Nature as my muse, you see?

But vigilance and care must reign

or all was labor thus in vain.


We must not let the forever sun set on the Creator’s gift.



Ask not for whom the bell tolls.

It tolls for thee and me and we,

but never they…




For Nature always finds a way…….

Today’s images brought to you courtesy of the Atlanta Botanical Gardens, an ever evolving transformational vista of living beauty, located right in the heart of an enormous, bustling city.  It can be done when we nurture the spirit of life and give her room to blossom!


Happy #Free48 everyone.

14 responses to “Nature’s Face/Photography/Poetry”

    • Thank you JoAnna. I know it is another of. Ature’s protective measures. They also need to attract certain insects. I am constantly amazed by the intricate layers in orchids. They do look otherwordly.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Peter. I believe the faces are Nature’s way in orchids, as in many ither of her creatures, of warding off predators. Or attracting funeral directors in this case. 😏


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